U.S. 29th Infantry Division – D-Day

After several months of training and preparation for Operation Overlord, the U.S. 29th Infantry Division took part on the 6 June 1944 in the first wave of the D-Day assault. The U.S. 115th & 116th Infantry Regiments landed on Omaha Beach early in the morning and joined the battle of Normandy. In the spring of 1945 the division started its offensive in Germany.

Black crackle Zippo with different engravings: «29th Infantry Division», «D-Day» and the three ETO stays «England», «France» and «Germany» on one side and the year «1944» and the name «Snider» on the other side.

  • Model:

    five barrel hinge (fixed after war), flat bottom

  • Year:

    1942 - 43

  • Status:

    in collection