U.S. 78th Infantry Division – Bob White

During the Allied invasion of Germany U.S. forces including the U.S. 78th Infantry «Lightning» Division saved the opening and the destruction of the Schammenauel dam and captured the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, one of the last bridges across the Rhine. The GIs' actions permitted the Allies to transport troops and tanks across the Rhine River into the heartland of Nazi Germany.

Black crackle Zippo with various engravings: on the front the name of the owner and the unit with the shoulder insignia of the U.S. 78th Infantry Division including nickname. And, on both sides, his stays with sketches of the bridge and dam: «Scotland, Geneva, Switzerland, Luxembourg, England, Belgium, Le Harve France, Holland, Remagen Bridge on the Rhine, Schwammenauel Dam and 1945 Berlin Germany».

  • Model:

    three barrel hinge, round bottom

  • Year:

    1943 - 45

  • Status:

    in collection