In the early years of the 20th century, the culture of smokingwas accompanied by beautiful, valuable and mechanically refined lighters.The rarest and most timeless version of them was the one with integrated watches.
Small size gold rectangular watch.
Small, 14 ct. gold
in collection F
Big size silver more colour enamel round watch.
Large, sterling silver enamel
Large size silver translucid enamel round watch.
Large, sterling silver
Small size silver round watch original boxed.
Small, sterling silver
Hexagonal shaped body gold black enamel with concealed Vertex watch.
Semi automatic, 9 ct. gold
Normal size brass chrome plated.
Unique, chrome plated
Classical size silver concealed square Vulcain watch.
Concealed, sterling silver
in collection V
Classical size alpacca elephant leather.
Concealed, silver plated
Prototype silver plated round corners concealed watch.
Prototype, silver plated
Prototype brass silver plated red leather concealed watch.
Prototype leather round visible Eloga watch.
Thin small size chrome plated with round watch.
Small semi automatic, chrome plated
Large size square watch.
Large semi automatic, nickel plated
Small size rectangular watch.
Small semi automatic, nickel plated
Large size gold round Speck watch concealed winder.
Large automatic, 14 ct. gold