In the early years of the 20th century, the culture of smokingwas accompanied by beautiful, valuable and mechanically refined lighters.The rarest and most timeless version of them was the one with integrated watches.
Small size silver plated round watch.
Lift arm, silver plated
Large brass chrome plated centred square watch frontdoor.
Lift arm, chrome plated
in collection F
Large size brass chrome plated round watch.
Semi automatic, chrome plated
in collection V
Small size brass chrome plated round watch.
Single arm, chrome plated
Large size brass gold plated brown lacquer rectangular watch.
Semi automatic, gold plated
Large size brass silver plated black lacquer ovale watch.
Semi automatic, silver plated lacquer
Small size special flint mechanism silver square watch.
Diable single arm, silver
Large size brass silver plated square watch.
Diksi lift arm, silver plated
Small size brass silver plated round watch.
Brass silver plated silver case round watch witch BAYER advertising.
Fortuna semi automatic, silver shell
Large size silver plated silver case round watch concealed winder with BAYER advertising.
Premier semi automatic, sterling silver shell
Lady size silver gold plated concealed watch.
Lady concealed, sterling silver
Thin large size brass chrome plated green lacquer round watch.
Wifeu semi automatic, chrome plated
Large brass silver plated leather concealed flip out rectangular watch.
Concealed, chrome plated
in collection M
Long thin size silver plated silver case square watch.
Squeeze semi automatic, sterling silver shell